进程间通信(IPC, InterProcess Communication)是指在不同进程之间传播或交换信息。
主要的方式有管道(包括无名管道,高级管道和命名管道),消息队列, 信号量, 共享内存, Socket等。 其中Socket可以用于不同主机上的进程间通信。进程通信的主要目的如下:数据传输:一个进程需要将它的数据发送给另一个进程,发送的数据量在一个字节到几M字节之间
匿名管道( pipe ):管道是一种半双工的通信方式,数据只能单向流动,而且只能在具有亲缘关系的进程间使用。进程的亲缘关系通常是指父子进程关系。
命名管道 (named pipe) : 有名管道也是半双工的通信方式,但是它允许无亲缘关系进程间的通信。
消息队列( message queue ) : 消息队列是由消息的链表,存放在内核中并由消息队列标识符标识。消息队列克服了信号传递信息少、管道只能承载无格式字节流以及缓冲区大小受限等缺点。
信号量( semophore ) : 信号量是一个计数器,可以用来控制多个进程对共享资源的访问。它常作为一种锁机制,防止某进程正在访问共享资源时,其他进程也访问该资源。因此,主要作为进程间以及同一进程内不同线程之间的同步手段。
信号 ( sinal ) : 信号是一种比较复杂的通信方式,用于通知接收进程某个事件已经发生。
共享内存( shared memory ) :共享内存就是映射一段能被其他进程所访问的内存,这段共享内存由一个进程创建,但多个进程都可以访问。共享内存是最快的 IPC 方式,它是针对其他进程间通信方式运行效率低而专门设计的。它往往与其他通信机制,如信号两,配合使用,来实现进程间的同步和通信。
套接字( socket ) : 套解口也是一种进程间通信机制,与其他通信机制不同的是,它可用于不同机器间的进程通信。
命名管道是在文件系统中作为一个特殊的设备文件存在的, 不同祖先的进程之间可以通过管道共享数据,当所有访问管道的进程执行结束后,命名管道将继续存在以便以后使用。命名管道的创建
#include#include int mkfifo(const char *pathname, mode_t mode);
mkfifo用于创建一个FIFO文件, 参数mode决定文件权限。
The file creation mask of the process (see umask()) modifies the file permission bits of mode. The owner ID of the FIFO is set to the effective user ID of the process. The FIFO group ID is set to the effective group ID of the process.如果成功,那么mkfifo()返回0;如果失败,那么返回-1, 并且errno被赋为下面的值:
EACCES: 某级路径无访问权限,或pathname指向的目录无写权限
EEXIST: 同名文件已存在
EINVAL: 在NuTCRCKER平台上描述路径不在fifos文录下
ENAMETOOLONG: pathname名太长
ENOENT: 路径中某一级目录不存在
ENOTDIR: 路径中某一级不是目录
详细信息可以查看: [这里]()
file mode如下:
S_IRWXU: 00700 read, write, execute/search by owner
S_IRUSR: 00400 read permission, owner
S_IWUSR: 00200 write permission, owner
S_IXUSR: 00100 execute/search permission, owner
S_IRWXG: 00070 read, write, execute/search by group
S_IRGRP: 00040 read permission, group
S_IWGRP: 00020 write permission, group
S_IXGRP: 00010 execute/search permission, group
S_IRWXO: 00007 read, write, execute/search by others
S_IROTH: 00004 read permission, others
S_IWOTH: 00002 write permission, others
S_IXOTH: 00001 execute/search permission, others
S_ISUID: 0004000 set-user-ID on execution
S_ISGID: 0002000 set-group-ID on execution
S_ISVTX: 0001000 on directories, restricted deletion flag
系统I/O函数如open, close, read, write都可以操作FIFO文件
open以只读方式打开FIFO时, 要阻塞到某个进程为写而打开此FIFO
通信过程中若读进程先退出, 则写进程向FIFO写数据,会收到SIGPIPE信号而退出
open以只读方式打开FIFO,如果没有进程为写而打开FIFO, 只读open成功,并且open不阻塞
open以只写方式打开FIFO, 如果没有进程为读而打开FIFO,只写open将出错返回-1 (ENXIO: No Such device or address)
read, write读写FIFO中数据时不阻塞
通信过程中, 读进程退出后, 写进程向命名管道内写数据时,写进程会收到SIGPIPE信号而退出
//// Created by : Harris Zhu// Filename : fifo_read.cpp// Author : Harris Zhu// Created On : 2017-08-17 16:46// Last Modified :// Update Count : 2017-08-17 16:46// Tags :// Description :// Conclusion :////=======================================================================#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FIFO_SERVER "myfifo"#define OPEN_MODE O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK#define FIFO_MODE O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCKint main(int argc, char** argv) { char buf_r[100]; int fd; int nread; int res; if (((res=mkfifo(FIFO_SERVER, FIFO_MODE)) < 0) && (errno != EEXIST)) { printf("can not creat fifoserver %d :\n", res, errno); exit(1); } printf("preparing for reading bytes...\n"); char cmd[100]; sprintf(cmd, "chmod 704 %s", FIFO_SERVER); system(cmd); fd = open(FIFO_SERVER, OPEN_MODE); if (fd == -1) { perror("error in openning fifo server"); exit(1); } int i=0; int len; while (i++<21) { memset(buf_r, 0, sizeof(buf_r)); if ((nread = read(fd, buf_r, sizeof(buf_r))) < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { printf("no data yet\n"); sleep(1); } } else { if(nread > 0) { printf("read %s from FIFO %d \n", buf_r, i); } sleep(1); } }// pause(); close(fd); unlink(FIFO_SERVER); return 0;}
//// Created by : Harris Zhu// Filename : fifo_write.c// Author : Harris Zhu// Created On : 2017-08-17 18:04// Last Modified :// Update Count : 2017-08-17 18:04// Tags :// Description :// Conclusion :////=======================================================================#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FIFO_SERVER "myfifo"#define FIFO_MODE O_CREAT|O_NONBLOCK|O_RDWR#define FILE_MODE O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCKint main(int argc, char** argv){ int fd; char w_buf[100]; char w_t_buf[50]; const char *hstr = "hello world"; if(mkfifo(FIFO_SERVER, FIFO_MODE<0)&& (errno != EEXIST)) { perror("failed to create fifo server"); exit(1); } char cmd[100]; sprintf(cmd, "chmod 704 %s", FIFO_SERVER); system(cmd); int nwrite; fd = open(FIFO_SERVER, FILE_MODE); if (fd == -1) { if (errno == ENXIO) { printf("open errop;no reading process\n"); } else { perror("open error"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (argc >= 2) { strcpy(w_t_buf, argv[1]); } else { strcpy(w_t_buf, hstr); } int i=0; int n; time_t tp; while(i++<20) { time(&tp); n=sprintf(w_buf, "Process %d is sending %s at %s", getpid(), w_t_buf, ctime(&tp)); if ((nwrite = write(fd, w_buf, n)) < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) { printf("the fifo has not been read yet.Please try later\n"); } else { exit(1); } } printf("Send Message to FIFO: %s \n", w_buf); sleep(1); } close(fd); return 0;}
先运行reader, 然后运行writer
Makefile内容如下build: gcc -g read.c -o read gcc -g write.c -o writerun: xterm -e ./read & sleep 1 xterm -e ./write &clean: rm -rf read write
因为reader先开读,当writer开始的时候,reader已经在while里走过和个循环了,所以reader会先结束,这时writer还想向FIFO里写数据,就会遇到“Broken pipe”问题
如果把writer的等待时间改小, 那么收端比较慢,所以fifo里的数据会比较多,reader收到的数据就不是一行一行harriszh Fri 17:30@ ~/trunk/cpp/fifo1$ ./fifo_readpreparing for reading bytes...read Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello worl from FIFOread d at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Proce from FIFOread ss 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at from FIFOread Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11 from FIFOread 863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri A from FIFOread ug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 i from FIFOread s sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 from FIFOread 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sen from FIFOread ding hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:3 from FIFOread 1:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending from FIFOread hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 from FIFOread 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello from FIFOread world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017Process 11863 is sending hello world at Fri Aug 18 17:31:57 2017 from FIFO
代码如下Reader//// Created by : Harris Zhu// Filename : write.c// Author : Harris Zhu// Created On : 2017-08-17 22:05// Last Modified :// Update Count : 2017-08-17 22:05// Tags :// Description :// Conclusion :////=======================================================================#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ERR_EXIT(m) \ do { \ perror(m); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while(0)int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int outfd = open("Makefile2", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (outfd == -1) ERR_EXIT("open Makefile2 error"); int infd; infd = open("tp", O_RDONLY ); if (infd == -1) ERR_EXIT("open tp error"); char buf[1024]; int n; while ((n = read(infd, buf, 1024)) > 0) write(outfd, buf, n); close(infd); close(outfd); unlink("tp"); // delete a name and possibly the file it refers to return 0;}
//// Created by : Harris Zhu// Filename : read.c// Author : Harris Zhu// Created On : 2017-08-17 22:05// Last Modified :// Update Count : 2017-08-17 22:05// Tags :// Description :// Conclusion :////=======================================================================#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ERR_EXIT(m) \ do { \ perror(m); \ exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \ } while(0)int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ mkfifo("tp", 0644); int infd = open("Makefile", O_RDONLY ); if (infd == -1) ERR_EXIT("open Makefile error"); int outfd; outfd = open("tp", O_WRONLY ); if (outfd == -1) ERR_EXIT("open tp error"); char buf[1024]; int n; while ((n = read(infd, buf, 1024)) > 0) write(outfd, buf, n); printf("Makefile2 is created successfully!\n") close(infd); close(outfd); return 0;}
先运行writer, 再运行reader, 原因是FIFO由writer创建
Makefilebuild: gcc -g read.c -o read gcc -g write.c -o writeclean: rm -rf Makefile2 rm -rf ./read ./writerun: xterm -e ./write & sleep 0.1 xterm -e ./read &.PHONY: clean